What do you think?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Pep Quotes
What do you think?
Reconstructed Clothing - Recycle My Dress
Before & After
How did you fall into what you doing? I started recycling my bridesmaid’s dresses because I had trouble throwing out so much money and memories! Plus it just didn't seem right, I mean if you have the chance to save something with such good bones, wouldn't you?
How long have you been doing this? I have been recycling and wearing recycled dresses for over 4 years now.
Have you always been creative? Is this your only creative outlet? I would say that I have always been creative; I have had my hands in everything from ceramics, painting, printmaking to photography!
How long does it take you to create one piece? It can take me from start to finish on a dress, from a day to a week.
How do you come by your dresses? Some of my dresses are found at thrift stores, but most of them are owned by the customers (given to me to recycle then I give them back to them!)
What would be your advice to entrepreneurial women just starting out? I would tell other women to save there pennies, and use the internet!
What has been the hardest obstacle to overcome? has been getting my name and concept out there!
Where else can we see your work? You can find my work at www.recyclemydress.com, www.recyclemydress.etsy.com, and Green Being in
Do you believe in the “pay it forward” kind of concept? Helping someone else for free and for fun, ultimately brings good back to you?
I do believe in the concept of 'pay it forward', I taught yoga twice a week for free @ my yoga studio for well over a year. It did feel good to help them out and even better when they were appreciative for my donation. Thank you, Nicole :)
Something can be done about that old brides' maid dress!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Shameless Plug

Are these not D-A-R-L-I-N-G? I mean cute, cute, cute.... you can find these at:
..if I don't happen to swoop them up first......
Pep Quotes
Stay peaceful
See the day
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Reconstructed Clothing - CreoleCollection

This is from CreoleCollection.etsy.com
I really dig what they have going here - really different and fun. I am big on the creams, cocoa's, ecru's, etc. There's something that just really seems sophisticated yet can have a little bit of funk to it.
Remember Molly Ringwald in "Pretty in Pink"? She was always making over something to suit her freaky attitude; cutting up something, sewing it here or there. The Prom dress. Some sort of pinkish something...so I thought, "what if I did an ongoing series of reconstructed clothing"? I love this sort of thing, and was often compared to Ms. Ringwald by my best friend over the years as I did the same sort of thing. Hand sewn dolly clothes to high school minis. Here is the start of my reconstructed clothing series. Give 'em a vist when you can...I'm sure you won't be empty handed when you leave.

One Lovely Blog Award

StunningAnnaK - http://stunningannak.blogspot.com/ - gave me the One Lovely Blog Award! I AM SO EXCITED!! I'm so new to blogging; this was a nice surprise..
So here are the One Lovely Blog Award Rules of Blog Award Acceptance:
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
2. Pass the award to 10 other blogs that you've newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Here they are, in no particular order - and are fabulous....
Blissful Blooms Paper
Blood Milk
Cabin + Cub
Fresh On The Scene
I dare Say
StunningAnnaK - thanks!
The Eclectic Element
Where Eagles Dare
So Distressing
The Speckled Pear
Love it!
Tuesday...another work day
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Pep Quotes
- They're not doing it to me, they're just doing it
- Prosperity is an unlimited abundance
- What occupies your mind will magnify in your life; good or bad is no difference
My girlfriend always says "When your life becomes important to you, you'll live it". Moments - all about the moments you let go by.....