Ok, so here is a little bling added to my already funky purple nails below. I loved this glittery purple by L.A. Colors Color Craze. If you can't read the name, it's Glistening Purple. Have some fun with some shocking glam color!

I created this blog to post things I find inventive, creative and interesting; to vent and re-invent; to share my Etsy shop items; to shamelessly plug those shops that I adore or anything else that I find just plain interesting...hope you enjoy!
Where can we find your work? Shops, blog ,etc. Well, starting May 1st you’ll be able to see my latest Heart Felt pieces on my new site, www.heartfeltbyaviva.com. I am also on Etsy, HeartFeltByAviva and scattered in a few select retail locations across the nation.
(The heart pins happen to be my favs!!)
Tell us a bit about yourself. I’m Aviva, owner, creator and
crafter-extraordinaire! Heart Felt is my do-it-yourself (DIY) hair accessory line, which
ranges from elaborate sequin beaded fascinators to felt floral headbands, as well as cherry rockabilly styled earrings.
I’m a born and raised a Jersey girl - so yes my nails are a work of art. My grandma taught me to bead and I’ve been hooked ever since. I started Heart Felt when I moved to Chicago in 2009. It started out as a hobby but quickly took over my studio apartment. Now I can’t imagine my life without beads, sequins, felt, my sewing machine and my hot glue gun!
What really has to spark for you to create? There is this little spark of excitement inside me when I get an idea. I’m always shocked at what can bring it on. . I literally find inspiration throughout my entire life. I try my best to have an open mind and free spirit so I can take everything in. Sometimes ideas brew for a while and other times I stop what I am doing just so I can start testing things out.
Have you always known that you were a "creative"? And by a creative I mean anything that falls under this - artist, designer; re-designer; seamstress - you get the picture.. Definitely. I was always in different art classes
as a kid. I always new that I would end up doing something creative but that also used to scare me. I thought artists had to be starving and I didn’t want to be a starving artist. I wanted to be able to play with the latest fashion, travel, and eat out with
friends. Thankfully the Handmade Movement is really changing that stigma for artists.
Is this your only line of work? No, but who knows what the future may hold. I’m a marketer by day, crafter by night. My day job is actually a Marketing Director for Dreaming TreeFilms, a film production company that works closely with youths. Our mission is to empower youth across America through the art of film making. You can check out our company at www.dreamingtreefilms.com.
We’ll actually have a new opportunity launching June 1st for women between the ages of 18 – 34 who want to help educate and inspire others on the issues of domestic violence. We’ll be looking for women to team up with us to help us produce three amazing documentaries. If you want to learn more join our mailing list and we’ll send out an e-blast when we announce the program. (Fantastic!!)
Run us through your daily biz… On a daily basis I need to update my Etsy shop, promote/converse through Facebook and twitter and keep an eye out for new inspiration. I work Monday – Thursday at the Dreaming Tree Films office so I
am very focused on the teens and the clients while I am there. Fridays I work on Heart Felt all day creating new pieces and working closely with the Heart Felt marketing interns.
Favorite project/item to work on? My favorite project to work on changes all the time. I go through waves where I can’t do anything but make felt flowers. Usually my favorite project is the item of the moment. It’s the newest idea that I am excited about.
What has been the best form of promotion/marketing tip you can give to aspiring "creatives"? The best tip that I would give aspiring creatives would be to go for it! And don’t feel like you have to take on everything just to make something happens. Do what inspires you and only take on what feels doable.
Your favorite shops/blogs: I wish I had time to read more. I’ve been considering an iPad for this very reason. There are so many amazing blogs out there and I feel like I can never keep up. But Ditzy Redhead – OF COURSE!! (lol)
Here's a few for fun:
· If you had the chance to go back in time…when/where would it be? This is really hard. I love the style and hats of the 40’s but I would also love to live during the Art Nouveau movement.
· Christopher Walken or Christian Bale? Definitely more cow bell baby!
· You have been invited to dinner with Brittney….what do you talk about ?I have no idea.
· Norma Raye or Norma Jean? I’d like to look like Norma Jean and stand for something big like Norma Raye. If you made me choose…Norma Raye. Because of her, the work force is a better place for all of us!! Norma Jean is amazing but there is so much about her life that makes me sad.
· Baked potato or Baked Alaska? Baked Potato for sure with sour cream and butter. Yum.
· Pillow talk or Pillow fight? Pillow Talk! Pillow fights seem like a 17 year olds fantasy. (I know, right?)
· Theme park or theme wedding? Theme wedding. I would totally do a roaring 20’s wedding. FUN!
Thank you to Aviva for her patience in waiting to get this up, and for a wonderfully fun interview! Make time to check out her amazing work at www.dreamingtreefilms.com, and don't forget to check out her shop on Etsy!
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